Wow. What an incredible year it has been so far at Honeysuckle Hills! As many of you may have noticed, we have not been as diligent posting blog stories for 2009, especially since the addition of our facebook page at www.facebook.com/regina.woods. Despite the slow economy, we have been blessed with a multitude of clients who realize the importance of commissioning a true, professional photographer to capture the most important moments of their life. These days it seems there are "photographers" on every corner slinging a camera in "P" mode, and selling their images on CD at ridiculously low prices. That's A-OK with me. Those photographers realize the value of what they're selling to you, and they also know they will never have to deal with you again. I think it is also safe to say that they care very little about whether or not they deliver quality images or if you are happy with the results.
The number one request at Honeysuckle Hills this year has been our signature art themed images. There is a unique story behind each and every one, and I have been on a natural high all year getting to know all of you! These art pieces fill my life with variety, and put a smile on my face every single morning.
Heather and Jerry love The Wizard of Oz movie so much that she even has a yellow tree skirt on her Christmas tree to represent the yellow brick road. After their wedding, a quick change of clothes and the addition of ruby red slippers, I photographed them in the field by our barn. Thank goodness the tornado wasn't really there! I love Photoshop...

I look forward to sharing even more of these stories with you on the blog...and maybe even your own!