What a great way to spend your birthday...getting married! Jill and Clinton were married on February
24th, despite the winter wedding cold! I think Jill made a most stunning bride. Her dark hair contrasted agains her wedding veil only to bring full attention to her beautiful eyes.

We have another photographer at Honeysuckle Hills! Bradley Wall has not only stolen my heart, but may just steal the show before it's all over! Ordinarily Bradley is most content with dirt in his hands or riding high in the saddle, but once he picked up a camera, he fell in love with the art of photography. The above two photographs were created by Bradley.

During the winter months, it is not uncommon for us to spend a little time in our portrait studio upstairs. Again...what a stunning bride Jill makes!

We have photographed brides and grooms beside our antique stove many times, but never with actual fire inside... until now! The red glow in this sepia toned image was created by real heat...not photoshop!