I love the way our new balcony photographs from the outside, especially against the deep red of our barn. How lucky can one photographer get for
the perfect clouds framing the wedding couple, though? There was no artistic liberties taken here, I promise!

This image of Christi and Mark on our bridge was enhanced to give the appearance of beautiful autumn color. It's still just a little early for the Smoky Mountains to have the fall colors they are renowned for, but there's never any harm in taking a few artistic liberties!

Last but not least, I always love to share the "snuggly" moments from a wedding. Christi's daughter was being a little shy during the family portrait session, and it made a cute shot! And who can hold back tears when you see a father dancing with his daughter after walking her down the aisle only moments earlier? Those are memories one will carry with them for the rest of their lives. It's what MAKES a life....