Michelle and Danny have actually been married for a year or so already. To fulfill her desire for an outdoor wedding with all the trimmings, Danny made Michelle's wish come true. I have never witnessed a more patient, devoted groom.
Our sunflowers are now at their peak, and it couldn't have happened at a better time. They provided a beautiful backdrop for their wedding photography. I picked one of our crimson colored sunflowers for Michelle to hold while they were photographed alongside our red barn. The coneflowers in the lower right hand corner lead you right to the desire on their faces.

Whenever possible, I love to photograph children at our weddings. We have a little white bench in our wedding chapel that all the children love to pose on. Michelle's daughter looks quite striking in this setting, especially with her locks red hair. Look deeply into those blue eyes! I see another gorgeous bride in the making, and one who will have hundreds of suitors to choose from.